Members of Communities
Category 3: Participants of active communities who contribute to the development of the Cosmos Ecosystem
Please note the following points:
This is not a complete list of communities whose members will qualify for the $SIGNAL StakeDrop, and this list will be updated!
The criteria for who is considered a community member and on what basis - vary from community to community
List of communities whose members will be eligible for $SIGNAL StakeDrop:
Cosmos Ecosystem Community - those who participate in
DeFi Geek Community - verified users of DeFi Geek Discord
Girls in NFT Community - those who own a community member's NFT
Sunscrypt Community - those who have made at least one purchase in the store
Crypto Dungeon Community - criteria being developed
Signal DAO Community - $SGNL-stakers
Community CosmoNibble's - those who own community member's NFT
Community of Red Planet DAO - members of ASICs SubDAOs (those who have NFTs of ASIC)
!!! This list will be updated !!! The full list will be published after the end of the test-net, and before the launch of the Sputnik Network main-net !!!
Last updated