Brief about Sputnik App
Sputnik App is an application that allows users to send and receive any tokens from Cosmos Ecosystem projects not only by blockchain-address, but also by Telegram, Twitter, Discord usernames and/or email
Sputnik App allows users to send tokens by a list, which consists of usernames, emails and/or blockchain-addresses
Sputnik App allows users to send NFTs individually or by the list, which consists of usernames, emails and/or blockchain-addresses
Sputnik App consists of two parts: Web2 (centralized) and Web3 (decentralized)
The Web2 part is centralized, partially based on Akash (a decentralized server), stores private keys of the App Address and Internal Addresses of users in encrypted form, and can sign transactions from the App Address and Internal Addresses of users
The Web3 part is decentralized, based on the Sputnik Network App-chain, and essentially represents a user interface for easy access to the functionality of the Sputnik Network App-chain, as well as for the interaction of the Sputnik App with various blockchains, tools and dApps from the Cosmos Ecosystem
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