25,000,000 $SIGNAL (~ 2.44% of the Total Supply) will be distributed among the Ambassadors and Early Users of the Sputnik Network App-chain:
Spreading information about the Sputnik Network App-chain
Creating content about the Sputnik Network App
Creating guides
Creating documentation
Translating guides into local languages
Running local communities
Supporting users in existing communities
Assisting in the launch of the Sputnik Network App-chain testnet
Other humanitarian contributions
Details about Ambassador Program is here
The rules apply to this distribution:
No more than 50,000 $SIGNAL per Ambassador
No more than 100,000 $SIGNAL per Super-Ambassador
The exact amount will depend on the Ambassador's contribution to the development of the Sputnik Network
Any undistributed $SIGNAL will go to Sputnik Foundation, or will go to the Community Pool - details on this will be clarified closer to the launch of the main network
About Early Users you can read here
Last updated